
Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) for N-dimensional series.

author:Wannes Meert
copyright:Copyright 2017-2022 KU Leuven, DTAI Research Group.
license:Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
dtaidistance.dtw_ndim.distance(s1, s2, window=None, max_dist=None, max_step=None, max_length_diff=None, penalty=None, psi=None, use_c=False, use_pruning=False, only_ub=False)

(Dependent) Dynamic Time Warping using multidimensional sequences.

Assumes the first dimension to be the sequence item index, and the second dimension to be the series index (thus timestep).


s1 = np.array([[0, 0],
               [0, 1],
               [2, 1],
               [0, 1],
               [0, 0]], dtype=np.double)
s2 = np.array([[0, 0],
               [2, 1],
               [0, 1],
               [0, .5],
               [0, 0]], dtype=np.double)
d = distance(s1, s2)

See dtaidistance.dtw.distance() for parameters.

This method returns the dependent DTW (DTW_D) [1] distance between two n-dimensional sequences. If you want to compute the independent DTW (DTW_I) distance, use the 1-dimensional version:

dtw_i = 0
for dim in range(ndim):
    dtw_i += dtw.distance(s1[:,dim], dtw.distance(s2[:,dim])

Note: If you are using the C-optimized code, the above snippet will trigger a copy operation to guarantee the arrays to be C-ordered and will thus create time and memory overhead. This can be avoided by storing the dimensions as separate arrays or by flipping the array dimensions and use dtw.distance(s1[dim,:], dtw.distance(s2[dim,:]).

[1] M. Shokoohi-Yekta, B. Hu, H. Jin, J. Wang, and E. Keogh. Generalizing dtw to the multi-dimensional case requires an adaptive approach. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 31:1–31, 2016.

dtaidistance.dtw_ndim.distance_fast(s1, s2, window=None, max_dist=None, max_step=None, max_length_diff=None, penalty=None, psi=None, use_pruning=False, only_ub=False)

Fast C version of distance().

Note: the series are expected to be arrays of the type double. Thus numpy.array([[1,1],[2,2],[3,3]], dtype=numpy.double)

dtaidistance.dtw_ndim.distance_matrix(s, ndim=None, max_dist=None, use_pruning=False, max_length_diff=None, window=None, max_step=None, penalty=None, psi=None, block=None, compact=False, parallel=False, use_c=False, use_mp=False, show_progress=False, only_triu=False)

Distance matrix for all n-dimensional sequences in s.

This method returns the dependent DTW (DTW_D) [1] distance between two n-dimensional sequences. If you want to compute the independent DTW (DTW_I) distance, use the 1-dimensional version and sum the distance matrices:

dtw_i = dtw.distance_matrix(series_sep_dim[0])
for dim in range(1, ndim):
    dtw_i += dtw.distance_matrix(series_sep_dim(dim)

Where series_sep_dim is a datastructure that returns a list of the sequences that represents the i-th dimension of each sequence in s.

  • s – Iterable of series
  • window – see distance()
  • max_dist – see distance()
  • max_step – see distance()
  • max_length_diff – see distance()
  • penalty – see distance()
  • psi – see distance()
  • block – Only compute block in matrix. Expects tuple with begin and end, e.g. ((0,10),(20,25)) will only compare rows 0:10 with rows 20:25.
  • compact – Return the distance matrix as an array representing the upper triangular matrix.
  • parallel – Use parallel operations
  • use_c – Use c compiled Python functions
  • use_mp – Use Multiprocessing for parallel operations (not OpenMP)
  • show_progress – Show progress using the tqdm library. This is only supported for the pure Python version (thus not the C-based implementations).
  • only_triu – Only fill the upper triangle

The distance matrix or the condensed distance matrix if the compact argument is true

[1] M. Shokoohi-Yekta, B. Hu, H. Jin, J. Wang, and E. Keogh. Generalizing dtw to the multi-dimensional case requires an adaptive approach. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 31:1–31, 2016.

dtaidistance.dtw_ndim.distance_matrix_fast(s, ndim=None, max_dist=None, max_length_diff=None, window=None, max_step=None, penalty=None, psi=None, block=None, compact=False, parallel=True, only_triu=False)

Fast C version of distance_matrix().

dtaidistance.dtw_ndim.ub_euclidean(s1, s2)

Euclidean (dependent) distance between two n-dimensional sequences. Supports different lengths.

If the two series differ in length, compare the last element of the shortest series to the remaining elements in the longer series.

  • s1 – Sequence of numbers, 1st dimension is sequence, 2nd dimension is n-dimensional value vector.
  • s2 – Sequence of numbers, 1st dimension is sequence, 2nd dimension is n-dimensional value vector.

Euclidean distance

dtaidistance.dtw_ndim.warping_path(from_s, to_s, **kwargs)

Compute warping path between two sequences.

dtaidistance.dtw_ndim.warping_paths(*args, **kwargs)

Dynamic Time Warping (keep full matrix) using multidimensional sequences.

See dtaidistance.dtw.warping_paths() for parameters.

dtaidistance.dtw_ndim.warping_paths_fast(*args, **kwargs)

Dynamic Time Warping (keep full matrix) using multidimensional sequences.

See dtaidistance.dtw.warping_paths() for parameters.